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​A modern solution
for the Church

MonkWorks operates vibrant coworking spaces within Church property that goes largely unused during the workday

Why CoWorking?

A coworking space is a place where individual remote workers and entrepreneurs can come together to work and collaborate.  

40% of modern workers are either fully or partially remote

Because remote work can be isolating, these spaces provide an invaluable physical space for these people to find a much-needed sense of community and belonging.

There is a tremendous opportunity for the Church to provide this space and to further make the Church the focal point of people’s lives

MonkWorks enables you to:

Engage the disengaged.  Monetize your space.  Evangelize your community.

Engage the disengaged.

There is a known problem of disengagement within the Church. This is especially prevalent among young adults who are the highest percentage of remote workers.  MonkWorks provides a modern solution to this, by bringing the growing number of remote workers into a workday community within Church space

Colleagues Working Together

Monetize your space.

MonkWorks operates its co-working communities within Church space that goes largely unused during typical working hours.  We will turn this untapped potential into a reliable revenue stream so you can fund other Church initiatives.  Plus, your space is still free in the evenings and weekends for regular programming.

Evangelize your community.

MonkWorks spaces, while firmly rooted in the faith, provide powerful, low stakes opportunities to welcome people into the Church.  Remote workers, regardless of faith, are in need of cost-effective workspace and a sense of community/belonging. 

Discussing Books

Contact Us

If you are interested in hosting a MonkWorks space, or would like to learn more, email us at:​

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